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NestJS vs Next.js: Which Framework is Right for Your Project?

By October 23, 2024Web Development
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Web application frameworks can be a lot of things, but one thing they usually have in common is their robustness. Whether you’re building a large-scale back-end system or a dynamic user interface, having a solid framework is crucial for ensuring your application can handle complexity and scale. 

Two frameworks that stand out in this regard are NestJS and Next.js, each offering robust solutions but in different areas of web development.

Next.js’s popularity is evident with its 126,000 stars and 26,800 forks on GitHub. In comparison, NestJS has garnered fewer, with 10,800 stars and 956 forks. Despite the difference, both frameworks are widely used by web developers, offering powerful features for building diverse web apps and websites.

When comparing NestJS to Next.js, it’s important to understand that they cater to different needs: NestJS is a framework for building server-side applications in Node.js, while Next.js is a framework for building React apps with server-side rendering capabilities. 

To help you decide which is the best fit for your project, our team at Bitcot has put together a guide, “NestJS vs Next.js”.

What is NestJS?

What is NestJS

NestJS is a progressive, server-side Node.js framework for creating efficient, reliable, and scalable server-side apps. It’s built on top of Express.js (or optionally Fastify) and incorporates TypeScript by default, making it ideal for developers who want to build maintainable and testable backend apps.

NestJS is a more structured and organized version of building apps compared to the usual way of using Node.js or Express where you write everything in a flat structure. Over time, as your app grows, it can become hard to manage. You might end up with a lot of files and functions scattered around, which can get messy.

You don’t get a set way to organize your code, so each developer might do it differently, and that can lead to confusion, especially on bigger projects. 

NestJS, on the other hand, gives you a clear built-in structure from the start. It breaks your app into smaller parts called modules, which makes it easier to manage as things grow.

Another big difference is the language. Node.js/Express uses JavaScript, which is flexible but can let errors slip through if you’re not careful. NestJS uses TypeScript, which is like a safety net. It checks your code as you write it and helps prevent mistakes before they happen. This makes your code more reliable and easier to debug later on.

Also, with Node.js or Express, you have to manually manage dependencies like services or database connections, which can get tricky in larger apps. NestJS handles this with something called dependency injection, which automatically manages these dependencies, making your app more scalable and easier to test. 

Moreover, NestJS comes with lots of extra tools and features built-in, so you can add things like WebSockets or GraphQL without much hassle. Express can do this too, but you’d need to install and configure everything yourself.

Applications Built With Nest.js

NestJS is commonly used to build a variety of server-side apps and APIs, especially when scalability, maintainability, and modern features are important. 

Here are some common types of apps built with it:

  • RESTful APIs: NestJS is frequently used to build REST APIs. Since it’s based on Express.js (or Fastify), it handles routing, request validation, and response formatting easily, making it ideal for building APIs for apps like eCommerce platforms or social networks.
  • GraphQL APIs: For more complex data interactions, GraphQL APIs can also be created with NestJS. It has strong support for GraphQL, which allows more flexible data queries compared to REST. This makes it a popular choice for apps like data dashboards or platforms where users need custom data retrieval.
  • Microservices: NestJS is great for building microservice-based architectures. Microservices split large apps into smaller, independent services that communicate with each other. NestJS makes this easier by offering built-in support for messaging protocols like gRPC, MQTT, and Redis.
  • Real-time Apps: Applications like chat apps, live data feeds, or anything requiring real-time communication often use NestJS with WebSockets. These apps need to update data instantly across multiple users or devices, and NestJS’s support for WebSockets makes this type of functionality simpler to implement.
  • Backend for Mobile Apps: NestJS is often used to build backend services for mobile apps, such as user authentication, managing data, and communicating with databases. Mobile apps that require secure and scalable backends, like banking apps or booking platforms, can benefit from NestJS’s robust architecture.
  • Enterprise Apps: For large-scale enterprise apps, NestJS provides the structure and modularity required to handle complex business logic. It can be used to build apps like HR management systems, supply chain management, or inventory systems, where performance and scalability are crucial.
  • Server-Side Rendered (SSR) Apps: While typically used for APIs, NestJS can also be used to build server-side rendered apps using frameworks like Next.js for SEO-friendly, fast-loading web pages.
  • eCommerce Platforms: NestJS is used to build the backend of eCommerce apps, handling things like product listings, order processing, user authentication, payment gateways, etc. The structure and scalability NestJS provides are ideal for those who need to manage thousands of users and products.
  • Authentication and Authorization Systems: Secure user authentication and authorization systems, such as OAuth, JWT, and Session management, are often built with NestJS. It allows developers to implement security best practices in apps like social platforms or financial apps.
  • Task Scheduling and Automation: Secure user authentication and authorization systems, such as OAuth, JWT, and Session management, are often built with NestJS. It allows developers to implement security best practices in apps like social platforms or financial apps.
  • Cloud-Native Applications: NestJS is often used to build apps that are cloud-native and integrate well with cloud services like AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure, making it easier to deploy and scale apps in the cloud.

Top Reasons to Go With Nest.js

If you’re considering Nest.js for your next project, here are some compelling reasons to go for it.

Backend-Focused Framework

NestJS is designed specifically for building robust server-side apps. It provides a highly structured and organized environment for managing backend logic, making it ideal for projects that require complex APIs, business logic, or database management. 

Modularity and Scalability

With its modular architecture, NestJS allows you to break down your app into smaller, independent modules. This approach makes it easy to scale your app by adding new features without affecting the existing ones. 

The modularity also makes it easier to manage large codebases, which is essential for growing or enterprise-level apps.

TypeScript First

NestJS is built with TypeScript by default, which ensures type safety and better tooling. TypeScript provides strong typing, which reduces runtime errors, improves developer productivity, and makes the code more maintainable in the long term. This is particularly useful for large and complex apps.

Dependency Injection

NestJS supports dependency injection out of the box, which makes it easier to manage services, repositories, and other components in a clean and organized way. This feature helps in decoupling the components, making the code more modular and easier to test.

Supports Multiple Communication Patterns

NestJS provides built-in support for various communication patterns like REST, GraphQL, WebSockets, and gRPC. This makes it flexible enough to handle different types of apps, whether you’re building a real-time app, a microservice-based architecture, or a simple API.

Microservice Architecture

NestJS is particularly strong in handling microservices. It provides the necessary tools to build distributed systems where services are independent yet work together seamlessly. The framework includes support for messaging protocols like gRPC, MQTT, Redis, and others, allowing you to create scalable and decoupled services.

Extensive Ecosystem and Integration

NestJS comes with a wide range of built-in libraries and tools for things like authentication, validation, logging, and more. 

It integrates well with databases (SQL, NoSQL), third-party APIs, and cloud platforms, reducing the need to manually configure these aspects. This leads to faster development and easier integration of external services.


NestJS emphasizes testability by design. Its modular structure and built-in dependency injection system make unit testing and integration testing easier and more straightforward. This is particularly useful for maintaining large, complex systems over time.


For large-scale enterprise apps that require robust performance, scalability, and maintainability, NestJS offers the right features to meet those needs. It’s widely adopted by enterprises for building apps that can handle high traffic, large datasets, and complex workflows.

What is Next.js?

What is

Next.js is a popular open-source framework built on top of React, designed for building server-rendered and statically generated web apps, making it versatile for various use cases, from content-heavy websites to dynamic apps. 

Developed by Vercel, it’s designed to simplify the process of building modern web apps by providing a range of functionalities that enhance the performance and user experience of websites. 

Unlike React, which is primarily a library for building user interfaces, Next.js is a full-fledged framework that offers built-in features like routing and server-side rendering. 

Next.js is widely used in the web development community due to its ease of use, scalability, and ability to improve SEO outcomes, making it a go-to choice for businesses and developers looking to create high-quality web experiences.

It stands out from its alternatives by offering a unique combination of rendering options, including server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), and client-side rendering (CSR) within a single framework, allowing developers to choose the best method for each page. 

Its file-based routing system simplifies navigation by translating the project’s file structure directly into routes, unlike alternatives that require explicit route definitions. 

Additionally, Next.js includes built-in API routes, enabling developers to create serverless functions without needing a separate backend, which contrasts with frameworks like Angular that typically require a dedicated server setup.

Applications Built With Next.js

Next.js is widely used to build a variety of apps across different domains due to its versatility and performance benefits. 

Here are some common types of apps built with it:

  • Static Websites: Next.js is excellent for generating static sites with pre-rendering capabilities, making it ideal for blogs, documentation sites, and marketing pages. The built-in features for optimizing performance and SEO ensure that content is served quickly, improving user engagement and visibility on search engines.
  • Single Page Apps: Developers can create dynamic SPAs that provide a smooth user experience by fetching data on the client side and updating the UI without refreshing the page. Next.js supports efficient client-side routing and state management, enabling quick transitions and a responsive feel.
  • eCommerce Websites: Next.js can handle complex eCommerce platforms by integrating with headless CMSs and APIs to deliver a fast and responsive shopping experience. Its server-side rendering enhances page load speed, benefiting product listings, search functionalities, and shopping carts.
  • Content Management Systems: With its server-side rendering and API routes, Next.js is suitable for building headless CMS apps, allowing for easy content creation and management. Developers can create custom content models and utilize Next.js’s features to deliver content dynamically.
  • Dashboards and Admin Panels: The framework supports building interactive dashboards and admin interfaces, making it easy to visualize data and manage apps. Next.js provides tools for real-time data updates and customizable components, allowing developers to create user-friendly interfaces.
  • Progressive Web Apps: Next.js can be configured to create PWAs which provide offline capabilities and a native app-like experience. This means users can access content and interact with the app even without an internet connection, enhancing user retention and engagement.
  • Multi-Page Apps: Developers can create apps with multiple pages, leveraging Next.js’s routing capabilities for navigation. This structure allows for better organization of complex apps, making it easier to manage different views and features while ensuring fast loading times through optimized routing.
  • Web Apps with Authentication: Next.js supports authentication and authorization mechanisms, making it suitable for building secure apps requiring user login. Developers can implement features such as OAuth, session management, and user role definitions to create robust user experiences.
  • Real-time Apps: With support for WebSockets and server-sent events, developers can create apps that require real-time data updates, such as chat apps or live data dashboards. This allows for instant communication and updates, providing users with an interactive and engaging experience.
  • Social Media Apps: Next.js can be used to build social media platforms or features that require user interactions, feeds, and content sharing. Its capabilities allow for dynamic content loading and user engagement features, ensuring a smooth experience as users navigate and interact with the platform.

Top Reasons to Go With Next.js

If you want to create responsive and high-performing apps, let’s explore the top reasons to go with Next.js.

Server-Side Rendering

Next.js supports server-side rendering, allowing pages to be rendered on the server before being delivered to the client. This capability significantly improves initial load times and enhances SEO, as search engines can index fully rendered pages. 

By serving content faster, users experience reduced time to interact, leading to higher engagement and satisfaction.

Static Site Generation

With Next.js, developers can leverage static site generation to pre-render pages at build time. This means that the content is generated once and served as static files, leading to faster load times. SSG is cost-effective as it reduces server resource usage and allows static pages to be served directly from a CDN, improving overall performance.

API Routes

Next.js simplifies backend integration by providing built-in API routes, enabling developers to create API endpoints directly within the app. This unifies the codebase, allowing frontend and backend logic to reside together, which streamlines development and deployment processes, reducing the need for a separate server setup.

Fast Refresh

The Fast Refresh feature enhances the developer experience by allowing real-time feedback on code changes without losing component state. This functionality significantly speeds up the development process, making it easier to iterate and test code efficiently, thereby improving productivity and reducing debugging time.

Image Optimization

Next.js includes automatic image optimization, which ensures that images are served in the most efficient format and size for different devices. This feature enhances loading speeds and user experience by reducing the time it takes for images to appear on the screen, thereby contributing to overall site performance.

Automatic Code Splitting

Next.js automatically splits code into smaller bundles, ensuring that users only load the JavaScript necessary for the pages they are visiting. This capability minimizes the initial load size, leading to faster page loads and a smoother user experience, as unnecessary code is not transmitted.

TypeScript Support

Next.js comes with native TypeScript support, allowing developers to write code with type safety. This support enhances code quality and maintainability by catching errors during development rather than at runtime, making it easier to build robust apps.

Dynamic Routing

Next.js simplifies navigation management with its dynamic routing capabilities, allowing developers to create routes based on file names. This feature makes it easy to set up complex routing structures and manage URL parameters, improving the overall organization of the app.

Internationalization (i18n)

Next.js supports internationalization, making it easy to build apps that cater to multiple languages and regions. This capability allows developers to create localized user experiences, helping businesses reach a broader audience and enhancing user engagement.

Deployment Flexibility

Next.js offers flexible deployment options, allowing apps to be hosted on various platforms, including Vercel and AWS. This flexibility ensures that developers can choose the hosting solution that best fits their needs and infrastructure.

Performance Optimization

Next.js incorporates several performance optimizations, including prefetching, caching, and minimizing JavaScript payloads. These features work together to ensure a smooth user experience by reducing load times and enhancing responsiveness, making Next.js a reliable choice for performance-driven apps.

Next vs Nest: Choosing Between Both the Frameworks

Next vs Nest Choosing Between Both the Frameworks

Both frameworks share several key points: both are built on JavaScript and TypeScript, making them accessible to developers and easing transitions between the two. They utilize modular architecture – NestJS for server-side modules and Next.js for reusable frontend components – which enhances maintainability and scalability. 

Performance is a priority for both, with NestJS efficiently handling backend processes and Next.js optimizing frontend loading times through features like server-side rendering.

Now, when it comes to choosing between the two, it really depends on what your project needs. The decision should be guided by the specific requirements of your project rather than a blanket preference for one framework over the other. The features, goals, and challenges of your project are the key factors influencing your choice. 

Feature/Aspect NestJS Next.js
Purpose Backend development Frontend development
Architecture Modular architecture Component-based architecture
Performance Optimized for backend processing Optimized for frontend performance
Routing Server-side routing with decorators File-based routing
Data Handling Manages complex data and APIs Fetches data for frontend display
Use Cases RESTful APIs, microservices SPAs, eCommerce, SEO-friendly sites

Why NestJS is Great

While Next.js is a great tool for building web apps with frontend and some backend capabilities, NestJS excels in building complex, scalable, and structured backend systems with advanced features like microservices, modular design, and ORM integration. 

If you need to build a full backend infrastructure with advanced server-side logic, NestJS is the more powerful and scalable choice.

Backend Architecture

  • NestJS is a complete framework for creating server-side apps with a modular architecture, dependency injection, and middleware support, following best practices from enterprise development.
  • Next.js is primarily a frontend framework with backend capabilities but lacks the advanced architectural features of NestJS, such as modules, services, and controllers.

Microservices Support

  • NestJS is designed with built-in support for microservices, allowing developers to build highly scalable, distributed systems with message queues (e.g., Kafka, RabbitMQ) and gRPC.
  • Next.js is not optimized for microservices out of the box. While it can handle API routes, it lacks built-in microservices patterns or communication protocols.

Advanced Backend Features

  • NestJS supports advanced backend features like WebSockets, GraphQL, REST APIs, authentication, and authorization, all of which are deeply integrated into the framework.
  • Next.js provides API routes but for more complex backend features (e.g., real-time communication or sophisticated authentication), developers may need additional configurations or external libraries.

ORM and Database Support

  • NestJS offers seamless integration with Object-Relational Mappers (ORMs) like TypeORM, Prisma, and Sequelize, making it easier to interact with databases.
  • Next.js does not provide built-in support for databases or ORM integration. Developers have to manually set up and integrate database solutions using external libraries.

Dependency Injection

  • NestJS has a powerful built-in dependency injection system that allows for better code organization and testing, especially for large-scale apps.
  • Next.js does not have a native dependency injection system, which may lead to more complex management of services and dependencies as the app scales.

Modular Design

  • NestJS promotes a modular architecture, making it easy to scale and maintain large apps by organizing features into separate, reusable modules.
  • Next.js is less modular in nature and focuses more on the frontend and routing layer, which can make it harder to manage very large backend features.

Middleware and Interceptors

  • NestJS provides a comprehensive middleware system and interceptors for manipulating request/response pipelines and adding cross-cutting concerns like logging, authentication, and rate-limiting.
  • Next.js lacks this built-in middleware system for the backend. Middleware can be added but with more manual configuration compared to the ease in NestJS.

Testing Capabilities

  • NestJS has robust testing capabilities with tools for unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing, as it encourages writing tests as part of its structure.
  • Next.js does not provide built-in testing solutions for the backend logic, leaving it to the developer to configure testing frameworks and libraries for server-side code.

CLI and Development Tools

  • NestJS comes with a powerful CLI that helps with project setup, module generation, and scaffolding new services, controllers, or tests.
  • Next.js has a simpler CLI mainly focused on setting up new projects and running the development server, lacking advanced backend tooling support.

Authentication and Authorization

  • NestJS offers deep integration with various authentication and authorization strategies (OAuth, JWT, Passport.js) to secure APIs and handle user roles.
  • Next.js doesn’t come with advanced authentication mechanisms built in for backend APIs. Although there are ways to implement them (e.g., NextAuth.js), it’s not as comprehensive as NestJS’s built-in options.

Concurrency and Performance

  • NestJS allows more fine-grained control over backend performance and scalability with features like event-based concurrency and fine-tuning of server behavior.
  • Next.js is mainly focused on rendering web pages and serving API routes and isn’t built to handle very demanding backend tasks or large-scale concurrency issues.

Enterprise Use Cases

  • NestJS is highly suited for enterprise-level backend services where you need to build complex, modular, and scalable apps with a clear separation of concerns.
  • Next.js is more focused on frontend or small-to-medium web apps with some backend functionality, but it lacks enterprise-grade backend architecture.

Why Next.js is Great

Next.js offers full-stack capabilities, combining both frontend and backend features, making it ideal for projects that require optimized performance and SEO. 

Its easy-to-use routing system and seamless integration with popular frontend libraries simplify and accelerate the development.

Frontend Focus

  • Next.js is primarily designed for building frontend apps with features like server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), and client-side routing.
  • NestJS is focused on backend development, making it less suitable for frontend-specific features and optimizations.

Built-in UI Components

  • Next.js can leverage React’s ecosystem, allowing developers to use a wide range of UI libraries and components.
  • NestJS does not have built-in support for UI components, as it focuses primarily on the backend logic.

State Management

  • Next.js integrates well with various state management libraries, such as Redux or MobX, making it easier to manage client-side state.
  • NestJS doesn’t address state management directly as it focuses on server-side concerns, and developers will need to manage state in the frontend separately.

Routing and File Structure

  • Next.js uses a file-based routing system that allows developers to create routes easily by adding files to the pages directory.
  • NestJS requires explicit routing setup using decorators, which may lead to more boilerplate code for defining routes.

Static Site Generation

  • Next.js offers out-of-the-box support for static site generation, making it easier to create static websites.
  • NestJS does not provide built-in static site generation capabilities, requiring additional libraries or frameworks for that purpose.

SEO Optimization

  • Next.js is optimized for SEO with features like server-side rendering and automatic code splitting.
  • NestJS doesn’t have built-in SEO features as it is primarily a backend framework, meaning developers need to implement SEO optimizations manually when serving web pages.

Middleware and Plugins

  • Next.js has a rich ecosystem of plugins and middleware specifically tailored for enhancing frontend experiences, such as image optimization and analytics.
  • NestJS provides middleware support but may have fewer frontend-specific plugins and tools compared to Next.js.

Hot Reloading

  • Next.js provides hot reloading out of the box for a seamless development experience.
  • NestJS supports hot reloading but may require additional configuration to achieve a smooth experience compared to Next.js.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, both NestJS and Next.js are highly capable frameworks, and you can build amazing projects with either one. NestJS is a go-to for building scalable, structured backends, while Next.js shines when you want an all-in-one solution for frontend and backend with React.

As a web and mobile app development company, we love using Next.js because it allows us to handle everything in one place – no need for separate backends, and we don’t have to worry about things like bundlers or compilers. We can just focus on building great user experiences with React components. 

Moreover, with each update, Next.js just keeps getting better – improving performance, adding new features, and making it easy to keep things up-to-date.

That said, NestJS has its own strengths. When we need a solid backend with clean architecture and strong TypeScript support, it’s a fantastic choice. It’s structured in a way that really helps manage complex apps as they grow.

Ultimately, the choice between NestJS and Next.js depends on the needs of your project. If you’re building robust APIs or need a strong server-side architecture, NestJS is an excellent choice. For frontend apps or full-stack projects that benefit from React’s ecosystem, Next.js offers flexibility and speed.

Whichever framework you choose, you’re set up for success. Hopefully, this article gave you a clearer picture of what each framework offers and helps you decide what’s best for your project. If you’re still unsure or need guidance on your next project, feel free to reach out – we’d love to help you make the right choice and bring your vision to life!

Raj Sanghvi

Raj Sanghvi is a technologist and founder of BitCot, a full-service award-winning software development company. With over 15 years of innovative coding experience creating complex technology solutions for businesses like IBM, Sony, Nissan, Micron, Dicks Sporting Goods, HDSupply, Bombardier and more, Sanghvi helps build for both major brands and entrepreneurs to launch their own technologies platforms. Visit Raj Sanghvi on LinkedIn and follow him on Twitter. View Full Bio